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How to Be More Persuasive and Change Someone's Mind

Contrary to what you might think, providing evidence just isn't the right way to be more persuasive.

People tend make decisions emotionally and only then evaluate the evidence. Once they've made a decision, people tend to either disbelieve contrary evidence or mentally manipulate the evidence so that it supports their decision.

In other words, when people are wrong about something, the more evidence you present that they're are wrong, the less likely they are to change their minds.

1. Agree with them.

2. Reframe the problem.

3. Introduce a new solution.

First followers

Official transcript at

Business Motivation model

From the Object Management Group (great acronym: OMG)

Business Motivation model

Innovation radar

the 12 vectors of innovation

Non violent communication

factual observations not thoughts/interpretations
true feelings not judgements
universal needs not strategies
action requests not demands

feelings should relate to a need
lead with the need
requests are strategies to meet need

when you... i feel.. would you...


From David Rock:
Two themes are emerging from social neuroscience. Firstly, that much of our motivation driving social behavior is governed by an overarching organizing principle of minimizing threat and maximizing reward (Gordon, 2000). Secondly, that several domains of social experience draw upon the same brain networks to maximize reward and minimize threat as the brain networks used for primary survival needs (Lieberman and Eisenberger, 2008). In other words, social needs are treated in much the same way in the brain as the need for food and water.

Mountains, Mole Hills and Dead Buffaloes

Run a discussion to categorise risks into Mountains, Mole Hills and Dead Buffaloes (everyone else can call them Dead Elephants, but this idea comes from Troy Du Moulin of Pink Elephant, so dead buffaloes it is)

then map them on a grid of high-low risk vs fact-opinion

Reframing Organizations

Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, Bolman and Deal. First published in 1984. Its four-frame model examines organizations as factories, families, jungles, and theaters or temples:
The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to get results
The Human Resource Frame: how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamics