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Coaching with Curiosity Using Clean Language and Agile

Simple questions can unearth really valuable information about the work product, as well as the ways we might like to work together.
A culture of curiosity using Clean Questions is one in which no question will be laughed at. No question is “dumb”.
Using exercises such as ‘Working at Your Best’ and ‘Clean Feedback’ support agile teams in promoting transparency and respect.
Light-weight peer-to-peer coaching is possible with a minimum of training.

Why Great Employees Leave “Great Cultures”

Behaviours, systems, practices

Sahota's Advice Process for Effective Organizational Decision-Making

There is someone – the decider – who will make a decision on how to move the organization forward. They get input from other people in the organization. That helps get to a better decision. And build relationships. They talk to people with experience making this type of decision, people from different parts of org and level to get perspective and the people impacted.

three kinds of power, three forms of leadership and three organizational structure

Every organization has three kinds of power, three forms of leadership and three organizational structures. This is not a menu. There is no decision to make about having all three structures, or not. None of the three structures is optional, or nice to have. They are part of organizational physics. Universal laws that apply to every organization, large or small, old or new, for profit or social.

Integral theory

a "theory of everything" ("the living Totality of matter, body, mind, soul, and spirit"),[2][non-primary source needed] trying "to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching."

AQAL, pronounced "ah-qwul", is the basic framework of Integral Theory. It suggests that all human knowledge and experience can be placed in a four-quadrant grid, along the axes of "interior-exterior" and "individual-collective".

Emergent design and wicked problems

Top down approaches are liable to fail because enterprise IT displays many of the characteristics of wicked problems. In particular, organization-wide IT initiatives:

Are one-shot operations – for example, an ERP system is simply too expensive to implement over and over again.
Have no stopping rule – enterprise IT systems are never completely done; there are always things to be fixed and additional features to be implemented.
Are highly contentious – whether or not an initiative is good, or even necessary, depends on who you ask.

Increasing behaviour change levels

To modify behaviour, you can pull levers at different levels:
• direct: tell people to do it
• incent: provide a reward for doing it and/or a negative consequence for not doing it
• influence: provide an environment that encourages doing it
• persuade: convince people to do it
• evangelise: change their attitudes and beliefs

…in increasing order of difficulty, time, and effectiveness.

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