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HBR Changing Company Culture Requires a Movement, Not a Mandate

But culture change can’t be achieved through top-down mandate. It lives in the collective hearts and habits of people and their shared perception of “how things are done around here.” Someone with authority can demand compliance, but they can’t dictate optimism, trust, conviction, or creativity.

At IDEO, we believe that the most significant change often comes through social movements, and that despite the differences between private enterprises and society, leaders can learn from how these initiators engage and mobilize the masses to institutionalize new societal norms.

8 Habits Of Highly Effective Google Managers

1. Be a good coach

* Provide specific, constructive feedback, balancing negative and positive
* Have regular one-on-ones, presenting solutions to problems tailored to the employee’s strengths

2. Empower your team and don’t micro-manage

* Balance giving freedom to your employees while still being available for advice
* Make “stretch” assignments to help them tackle big problems

3. Express interest in employees’ success and well-being

* Get to know your employees as people, with lives outside of work

Google's most successful teams

the five key characteristics of enhanced teams.

1. Dependability.
Team members get things done on time and meet expectations.

2. Structure and clarity.
High-performing teams have clear goals, and have well-defined roles within the group.

3. Meaning.
The work has personal significance to each member.

4. Impact.
The group believes their work is purposeful and positively impacts the greater good.

Yes, that's four, not five. The last one stood out from the rest:

5. Psychological Safety.

Self-Assessment: What are your transformational leadership tendencies?

here are several perspectives and models of leadership. Probably the most respected among these perspectives is transformational leadership, which is about transforming the social unit (department, organization, society) to a new and better set of behaviours and practices. Transformational leadership has several dimensions representing specific types of behaviour.

This self-assessment estimates your transformational leadership.

Measuring Organizational Culture: Organizational Culture Profile (OCP)

Which values characterize an organization’s culture? Even though culture may not be immediately observable, identifying a set of values that might be used to describe an organization’s culture helps us identify, measure, and manage culture more effectively. For this purpose, several researchers have proposed various culture typologies. One typology that has received a lot of research attention is the Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) where culture is represented by seven distinct values

How to use the culture web to assess the organisation culture

When dealing with organisational change management a useful tool to diagnose the status quo of a company’s culture is the culture web. It can be defined as a representation of the paradigm of an organisation and how it is manifested in terms of day-to-day behaviour.

Basically the culture web refers to the assumptions that are core to a company’s culture.

McKinsey How to create an agile organization

ccording to a recent McKinsey Global Survey, organizational agility—the ability to quickly reconfigure strategy, structure, processes, people, and technology toward value-creating and value-protecting opportunities—is elusive for most.1 Many respondents say their companies have not yet fully implemented agile ways of working, either company-wide or in the performance units where they work,2 though the advantages are clear.

Westrum response model

Suppression – Harming or stopping the person bringing the anomaly to light; “shooting the messenger”. This is why we have “whistleblower” laws

Encapsulation – Isolating the messenger so that the message is not heard

Public relations – Putting the message “in context” to minimize its impact

Local fix – Responding to the present case, but ignoring the possibility of others elsewhere

Global fix – An attempt to respond to the problem wherever it exists

Inquiry – Attempting to get at the “root causes” of the problem